HandCash on its decision to go with SV: “nChain invested in HandCash. Part of the deal was access to their patented technology, and we believe it would be a BIG mistake and a bad business decision to give that up.”

It is though.

Lets see:

Bitcoin Core

Radically altered block structure and incentives with "optional" SegWit, implemented contentiously to the degree of requiring a

Radically altered block size by keeping the once temporary maximum block threshold

Radically altered with Peter Todd's poor implementation of Replace by Fee that makes 0-conf transactions untrustworty

Radically altered critical opcodes and disabled others

Radically changed the original roadmap to second-layer only scaling to enable rent-seeking of the protocol by private entities.

Bitcoin Cash aka ABC/BU/XT :

Rolled back SegWit, corrected malleability problems without big changes to block structure or rewards or mangling the codebase with bloat

Restored the original 32mb upper threshold of Satohi's first client versions

Removed RBF, restoring the user selected security function

Which one is the altcoin wearing a stolen brand again?

Hijackers forced Satoshi's project into being a minority chain.

/r/btc Thread Parent Link - yours.org