So happy for her <3

So she’s pimping or just fucking the whole world of meat wads aka dick head dudes? Either way she sounds retarded especially if you see some drop dead beautiful people that are way younger marrying an older not in the best of health or age conditions (male or female or you know both). She should realize stuff like that is out there forever. There’s a a saying, “Love is blind.” “Love isn’t defined and you can’t put it into words. Nothing can describe it to a tee for everyone. All they know is they’d want that person because they’ll do anything they’d never do. They make you better and want to be better. Most of all they’re happy and have it.”

Sounds like she doesn’t and I almost feel sorry for her. Then again I don’t feel sorry for humanity. Only what apparently doesn’t matter to most or all. To love is to know you’ll lose it and possibly never have it again. That’s why it’s called a double edged sword. It’s a beautiful thing in life and I’m grateful to have at least experienced it so far. I realized this and in general about life as well as all it encompasses... everything is finite. Enjoy what you can with who you can if that’s what you want. To be bitter or spiteful is just breeding pestilence

yes I’m super gone atm

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