Hate is Alive - Man Beaten nearly to death in a apparent hate crime

So in the context of what happened in Quebec last year you do not think this is relevant? What part of the motivation do you not get?

"f--king Arab people! Terrorists,"

This is the kind of language any Muslim women and man hear everyday, along with looks of hatred when they walk the streets, esp. after the media coverage and social media rampage, no doubt emboldened by the likes of Trump and alt-right propaganda.

If an Arab, or Muslim man or group did this in Canada or the west, do you think the "liberal" media will let this go? You think that the media is too soft on Muslims? What about the incel terrorist scum who killed a dozen people in Toronto recently, you hardly hear anything about his racial or religious background or anything about his these days ( and rightly so, that should not be a factor). But, imagine if he was dark skinned or Muslim, I guarantee he will still be on the media now and people still spewing hatred towards Muslims and/or a certain ethnicity! That is quite obvious right? The current news cycle, social media and online hatred against Muslims is beyond measure. This crime is the result of this and it will not let down.

/r/ontario Thread Parent Link - cbc.ca