Hate combat loggers? Here, have a giggle. (xpost r/ElitePirates)

I personally hate pirates/murders (is there a difference?) And it's not the player/behavior that I dislike. It's the fact that there is too much reward, and not enough legitimate risk to such players.

Let's take the OP here. I see nothing wrong with his behavior (except that he's a dirty pirate, with a yeasty codpiece).

However he's sitting outside a known high-traffic station for the much vaunted Lave/Witchhaul/Altair rare trade route. Being 'wanted' is clearly no issue or concern for him. He gets interdicted by a system defender and what? Blows the 'elite' (aka pathetic) AI pilot to smoldering ruin, only to jump back in to SC and look for another hapless person whom 'might' be hauling cargo?

I very strongly believe, that there is not nearly enough risk for the life of debauchery, rum and piracy.

Keep in mind, I believe pirates, in a system that provides a balanced and fun risk/reward system, make the game several levels of fun.

But there are an overwhelming number of pirates in this game. I don't know the population, but I pointedly avoid civilized space except for the outskirts, because of the fact that I can't get to Lave/Hornby/Solo O. without getting pulled out of supercruise.

And more often than not, I'm just getting shot up immediately, no warning, no "hey submit to scan" just guns. I'm an explorer. My guns don't exist, unless I want to nerf my jump range. So my only choice is to floor it and hope my FSD cools/charges before I explode.

I could fly with a wing... sure... but the life of an explorer, is a lonely one. Point is, the pirates lose NOTHING besides a slight rebuy if they get vaped.

They pirate people, fly to a station, sell off their ill-gotten goods, and leave. No aside from getting scanned by system defense. "Oh darn, i'll just land, sell off my cargo and jump out." (I realize soon bounties won't be paid off easily, but I don't think that even registers for anyone besides the RES hunters who have poor fire control).

TL;DR piracy wins, because there's no downside once you have a good ship/guns.

I suggest two possible changes to make pirating more risky, and more fun (dirty pirates and their 'fun').

1A. IF you get scanned by SDF/Cops/Fuzz (you get the idea), then, >IF< you're toting stolen cargo, the value of the cargo goes to zero, EVERYWHERE. Easier to just jettison it, because the value is gone, it's been tagged.

1B. If you get scanned, and are wanted, your docking privs are now revoked, station and all SDF open fire until you're dead and your bounty disappears as a result.

  1. Once your bounty hits a certain number. You have a higher chance of being hunted by the military of the controlling system. (Think English navy/East india company hunting pirates during in the Atlantic pre-colonial/colonial era). Firstly this would be "cool, I'm being chased by mil-spec ships that hit hard" and it would make it more interesting to where not only do you become a pirate, but you risk faction alignment if you defend yourself against the military. NOW you have risk.

Sorry for the wordy post, just didn't want to be a suggestion-less complainer.

/r/EliteDangerous Thread Link - youtube.com