Why haven't you asked them out already?

Slightly off topic but I think it's still relatable. Just a little background before I start on my story. I can socialize well with women but if there is a woman I like, I can never take it to the next level. Maybe I'm boring or maybe I'm not good looking enough. I'm not sure. I've never been able to make the winning move. Get that checkmate. Anyways, there's this girl I've always been interested. I finally had the guts to get her number. I decided to start texting her. First time I texted her we talked quite a bit but we had an exam the next day so we ended it off to study. However, I think it went well. We were having a nice casual conversation and she talked to me in class the next day. Second time I texted her, no reply. I decided to leave it there because I don't want to seem clingy. A few weeks later I get a random text from her. I'm excited and we start texting back and forth. It all goes well (she's replying every minute) until she stops replying midway through the conversation. I feel sad again and decide maybe she's not interested at all. However, we talked again in class and a few weeks later, I gain the confidence to text her again (third times the charm I guess) and we have a short conversation that she abruptly ends again. At this point, I feel like I accept the fact that she's rejecting me but I can't get her off my mind. I've avoided her in my classes now because she didn't reply back to my texts (I think I get the hint after a few times) and I feel embarassed if I try initiating a conversation in class. I don't want to try getting an explanation on why she didn't reply (maybe she was busy but I doubt it) or it'll make me look clingy. All in all, I really want to ask her out but I feel like I've put myself in a position where I would seem clingy and creepy. I can't read these mixed signals I'm getting from her. She talks with me in class, carries a conversation through texts then abruptly stops it. TLDR: Mixed signals.

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