Exorcism, real or false? Let's talk.

Demons, angels, it's all energy, and it's both the same kind of energy, just different poles of it.

With that being said they don't exist on a physical level. On earth we can only catch their shadows, which is the effect of them being in existence, like death and fear and negative things like that. We Never see the real thing, unless you know how to get out of the body.

Good and evil, are the two sides of the same coin. They are both not relevant. What is relevant is the fact that these extremes exist and yet they are the same. They are meant to be understood and dismissed, for they limit the creative possibilities of man.

Many many cultures throughout all time have had experiences with "demonic" beings, even angels.

Back to possession. Most humans on earth are unknowingly possessed by some sort of "evil" spirit. Whether it be lust or greed, drunkenness, whatever. The problem is that they don't see it for what it is, they accept it as human nature.

Inhetently, human beings are not such despicable creatures. We used to be really cool and chill, but everything changed. It seemed as an instant, although it were several thousand years.

Here's the fucked up part. All these demons and shit in the Bible and other Holy texts. Yes, all the Holy texts in all religions and whatever, they are all real, but they, the multitude of them, are actually a small group of entities. More than likely 6 or 7 immensely power spirits. If you trace the names of old God's of lore, you'll notice they all seem to mingle with other civilizations of the day. That is not an accident. It's because they are the same being.

It gets worse!

These beings are still on earth! Their energy is still here. Locked within the crust of mother earth's beasts. People believing in these entities, who worship them by their wrong names, give power to them, just like a parasite. They feed off of our energy, supplementing their life with our loss. Even still there are many buildings and monuments to these dreadful few dieties.

In order for us to move on, we have to pluck them out.

That's the hard part.

/r/conspiracy Thread