Having to practically farm if I do good and kill quickly.

If you want a killer mains perspective, drag the games out. Survivors at early ranks until purple-red ranks are trash, there's no nice way of putting that, by this I mean make those survivors feel like they're good. If you can down them early in a chase, dont, drag the chase out and respect pallets/make them feel like gods at looping when they aren't, or leave them to go patrol gens since you want points for regressing gens, hook every survivor once before hooking on twice to make games go longer, let survivors escape and then find them again to get more survivor found points, basically play like you're trash but also keep playing smart, dont get serious until you feel you have the minimum amount of points to pip. Remember, the ranking system is flawed. As a killer you don't pip from getting a 4k in two minutes. You pip from drawn out gameplay, extensive chases, and taking your time toying with the survivors. Once you get to higher ranks its easier to pip since survivors are actually decent and all these things happen naturally.

/r/deadbydaylight Thread