Having terrible customer service issues. I live in Austin and have a LG V-10. I don't know where else to try and resolve this.

I agree with the majority of this post, however, it is NOT illegal to record customer service representatives over the phone. Most states require dual consent, whereas some require single party consent for phone calls. Prior to recording any conversation the customer is informed that all calls are recorded for quality assurance purposes. Therefore CSR's have a reasonable understanding that all calls are recorded as does the customer. HOWEVER, If you inform a T-mobile sales rep that you are recording a call, then can ask you to stop, and terminate the call or transfer to a supervisor.

  1. Yes. It sucks your phone stopped working, T-Mobile is trying to get you a replacement, but we can only work as fast as manufacturers will supply inventory! KEEP IN MIND THAT YOUR DEVICE IS OUT OF WARRANTY THOUGH. Customer service may not be aware of this, but an In-store rep WILL DENY your warranty upon inspection. This was read to you in a script by customer service when placing the warranty exchange.

  2. Agreed. Calling multiple times will help nobody. The fact of the matter is, stock is low and we're all working as fast as possible to get everyone their phones. Keep in mind that in-house warranty exchanges are a courtesy and you could always go through LG, the manufacturer if you are dissatisfied with the complimentary service provided by T-Mobile and their vendors.

  3. Yup.

  4. Correct. However, it is VERY VERY rare for an LDI to show water damage from just steam. It would require repeat exposure and it would likely just turn very light pink, if anything.

  5. (Did you notice there were two 4's? I did). Incorrect. See above.

  6. Correct.

  7. Correct

  8. Best of luck OP! Most people on reddit are going to be blatantly honest with you, and this guy laid them out for ya.

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