"He won, get over it whiny liberals" said the people who shortly thereafter ate their words.

Some of these tweets are really stupid.

Trump hasn't nominated anyone for the Supreme Court.

Obamacare is still the law, so the girl CAN be on her parent's insurance plus Trump even said that is a provision he plans to keep in whatever the new plan is.

The hiring freeze is something many presidents do the second they come into office to assess the budget and make it more in line with their policies. President Jimmy Carter froze hiring multiple times during his four-year term even though the federal workforce added about 17,000 workers in the D.C. area during his administration, according to government data analyzed by the Stephen S. Fuller Institute at George Mason University. A report from the Government Accountability Office concluded that the federal workforce actually grew during two of those hiring freezes.

Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush froze federal hiring at various points only to hire more workers during subsequent military buildups.

The rest of the stuff is true though.

Trump sucks, but pick better tweets. If half the tweets are bullshit it calls the other 50% into question.

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