Have you heard about the overweight man who danced with 1,700 women?

So, where in your source do you find anything about the number of Ukrainian women sold?

You're joking right? You have done absolutely nothing but argue with me while providing zero evidence or citations now we see a logical fallacy known as "poisoning the well" although you're doing a terrible job of it since it's apparent you didn't even read my citation.

May I direct your attention to:

Figure 9. Information of most interest to potential migrants from Ukraine. 11% of those people are concerned about avoiding human trafficking. Why in the hell would so many people worry about that? Oh that's right, because again I said "voluntary" and for a woman who's already been likely tricked into moving to Odessa and meeting shady foreign men that's #1 on the list. Where else in the world are you going to see people that concerned about it?

I said nothing about "sold" you goof. But look at the 5 billion a year coming back. I'm sure a good chunk of that isn't tracked and of what is can be easily explained. But again, this is black market shit here so you want stats from me? Get out of here.

Whatever feelings you may have about Ukraine, it's pretty racist to equate "Ukrainian women living abroad" with "'pets' who dance, hook, and harem."

Yeah. Those facts are racists therefore inadmissible. Those are the terms used. You'd know that if you had anything to bring to the table.

And again. The entire point is this man is in Kiev to find women. All he has to do is promise to take her back to Britain with him and it's a lock, no matter how he looks. And I'm sorry but it's probably also "racist" to say he might have some problems in the woman department so common sense says go somewhere that only money and exotic locales interest these women. And London is just that because of the aforementioned visa requirements.

You know what? I'm done. You're an amateur goofball and I'm bored with you.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread