Heartless but not defeated: Man lives without a heart for 555 days

Not sure why I'm posting this, but sad story time.

I had a coworker in the exact same position. Dude was a bastion of positivity, always smiling, always had something fun or positive to say. He was an incredibly hard worker with creative hobbies. He was on a waitlist for a heart transplant and finally found a match. Once he healed, he did everything he wanted to do but couldn't like flying out to California to go surfing or actually playing basketball. After a year with the heart, there were complications. His friends, family, and coworkers all bonded together to raise money for him but ultimately he didn't make it - it was heartbreaking.

Wishing Stan the best, hope he is doing well.

/r/BeAmazed Thread Link - i.redd.it