Helium-Mapper "Army" in the making :-)

I bought the mapper kits and I'm having a couple issues.

One of my mappers doesn't show up on bluetooth, it shows solid green and blinking blue light for a while then quits. Not sure on this.

The other I believe everything to be correct, I'm using iOS and tried to use serial on windows it doesn't seem to start at the last command listed in the tutorial. Watching it eventually this comes up. Does anyone have any advice?

[APP] Timer wakeup

[ACC] Interrupt Active 0x56

[ACC] Z low

[ACC] Y low

[ACC] X high

[ APP] Battery level 3525

[APP] Trying to poll GNSS position

[GNSS] Polling RAK1910

[ ACC] interrupt callback

[GNSS] Lat: 41.3912º Lon: -82.2213º

[GNSS] Alt: 199 m

[GNSS ] Acy: 40.98

[APP] Valid GNSS position


[APP] Packet error, too big to send with current DR

/r/HeliumNetwork Thread Link - reddit.com