So it Begins. Posted 55 Minutes After the State of the Union.

None of the Amendments give anything to anyone. What they do is recognize certain rights that are inherent to all free peoples, and protects them from government encroachment. I paraphrase, of course, but essentially what we have when we read The Declaration, The Bill of Rights, the rest of the Constitution, as well as a the Federalist papers and various other writings of the time, is the following: You are a free people, and you will know this because your government is not allowed to do these things to you; when your government does or tries to do these things to you, this is how you will know you are no longer free. The Constitution is a pact - a social contract, if you will - between the people and the government. IMO, that contract has been violated countless times and in innumerable ways: * Asset "forfeiture". * Permits and permission slips to petition the government for a redress of grievances. * Permits and permission slips to arm yourself. * Secret warrants. * Indefinite detention. * Extrajudicial executions. * Hyperviolent pre-dawn raids on people suspected of consuming (or facilitating the consumption of) disapproved substances. * Charging people with numerous crimes based on a single act in order to be certain something sticks. * A pay-to-play judicial system where only the wealthy can receive adequate representation. * A two-tiered justice system where the wealthy and/or politically connected can commit treasonous acts (or destroy the entire national economy) and get away with it. * Lies to lead the nation into several costly, disastrous wars with zero repercussions. ...and on and on and on.

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