He'll get hell, but he's not afraid to say what he believes

I hate the impunity with which cops operate, under an almost complete lack of accountability and consequences.

I hate the way I see many of them behave. Like thugs with a thug licence. Even just the lack of turn signals and standard driving courtesies in routine traffic on their way to pull in for lunch. Shoving themselves through traffic, not any faster, but still like macho half-wits. Dangerous to other drivers for no good reason whatsoever.

They should always, but especially now, be setting the best example they can set. They're supposed to serve their community. But they usually act like angry dicks on a power trip.

When buying a coke at a 7-Eleven, they shouldn't be one of the biggest assholes in line that day. When getting freebies from restaurants that want a cop around, they should not routinely be making piggish stalker comments to the teenage girls at the counter.

They shouldn't threaten and disperse little kids hanging out in a park legally where kids are supposed to hang out.

They shouldn't threaten some college student or random minority person making polite and respectful inquiries with "hauling them in" for trumped up bullshit and then laugh when it scares them away.

I could go for chapters and volumes worth. And I'm a middle-aged "upper middle class" white guy who looks like he might be a lawyer or have one on retainer. I see them at their damn best. And it ain't good.

And it's not like a professional career, where different companies and locations and roles all have different cultures and different unwritten rules, different structures and different workplace politics, while all the same career types work there.

Policing is much more of a monoculture. The cops in downtown Denver and the cops in suburban Tampa, and the cops in uptown Seattle, are all pretty much the same, generally speaking. Meaning they're not going to experience any workplace culture shock or shift of values or any major operational changes, company mandate, or business model when transferring between places. It'll be the same basic shit, different city.

The real question everyone should be asking is, how can any group or profession or institution be thought of as doing a good job when it routinely is the target of mass protests and rioting in city after city, year after year? Decade after decade? How is that "serving the people"?

What other businesses or entities of any kind could provoke such a large scale problem over and over again and still command your respect?

/r/nextfuckinglevel Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com