We forget most of our dreams, but what is one dream that you'll never forget?

I write down my dreams from time to time & I had one that turned into a lucid dream that was so damn strange.

I was attending a black tie charity event, but for some reason it was being held at a crappy venue reminiscent of a middle school dance & was sparsely populated. I’m putting on my tuxedo but I’m having trouble figuring out where I am supposed to put this last piece of my outfit on that is essentially a pool noodle. 2 friends of mine are in the corner but are like 9 feet tall. In another corner is the Janitor from Community played by Jerry Minor doing what looks like meth, but is orange for some reason. One of my friends points this out and proceeds to go into what I can only describe as PBS style monologue explaining why meth was bad, ending in “the more you know.” At this point I realized I was dreaming & my two friends confirmed it. In order to prove to myself that I was dreaming I proceeded to create a red, white & blue elephant that then walked around the room.

It was too weird to ever forget.

/r/AskReddit Thread