[help] anyone feel this way about a dog they rescued?

Ok but thats an issue of morality, not econmics. No matter how much dogs cost, there will always be shady people selling them for less than that in hopes of turning a profit. They will buy two purebred dogs, turn them into 20 and make tons of money. Then some of those 20 are abandoned and left to die. And some of those 20 are bred to be sold even cheaper.

If your theory is that if we all stop adopting dogs, there will be no more backyard breeders, I don't see how that makes sense. There will still be shady people selling dogs to other shady people for cheaper. There will still be shady people who abandon their dogs. It's just that those dogs will have no where to go. At least the rescues and shelters are trying. I get that some shady people get their dogs from rescues and turn around and breed them. It's not a perfect system, but the practice of backyard breeding will not disappear by removing shelters and adoptions. We need to remove the shady people.

So what do you propose we do with all of the unclaimed, non purebred dogs that we currently have?

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