HELP, Disney logo has been changed

I’m gonna mention one last time before I delete this, I woke up into this new reality with the logo changed. A few days ago with my Disney plus account how when you click onto the Disney channel & it shows the castle before showing the movies, I knowww it looked different and it was complete normal to me. The normal of what I remember it being and apparently most of you don’t lol. Which is completely fine, I just hoped to find others on that same plane of whatever happened, choose to believe it or not. It’s my truth, and the way I remember my life being. Not me falsely misremembering something. It was Me waking up to things in my life completely changed :/

Thank you for listening x

I cannot fathom how uncomfortable people get with the possibility of the unknown coming true, which is an enormous chance of anything. People get out of life everyday, miracles and magic, energies, frequencies, religion & science. It’s all mundane.

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