Help! Husband's new employer seems kind of sketchy. Am I right to be worried?

Thank you, that is all very helpful.

It never occurred to me to contact the payroll processor directly, we will do that soon. I know the company name so I can probably just google them. I definitely anticipate that he will be given grief about it, so I will keep that ESS number handy. It will probably be necessary.

I will pass along your advice about emailing everything. He did actually attempt to contact the owner, but he is out of town. He is planning to speak to him ASAP, so that may or may not help. AFAIK the company has done some major restructuring, and the crazy manager is almost as new as my husband. I'm guessing the owner is not aware that the new guy is a walking lawsuit machine, because that was the vibe we got when they talked about the paystub issue.

We have already planned on contacting DOT, but I appreciate the suggestion to wait a week. Due to the size of his truck it is not certain that whistleblower protections will apply to him in this circumstance.

I do not know if the farm actually has a formal HR department, but he will work on getting copies of all of his documents ASAP.

The long hours have been an issue before, though to a lesser extent. He knows that I worry about him driving tired, so he will definitely pull over for a nap any time he feels like he needs to. He has done so before and I am confident that he will in the future. That is a good idea to mention in an email, however, because his company doesn't track their time closely enough for him to usually bother even mentioning it. I don't think that would have ever occurred to him.

We have pretty much already decided that barring an apology from the owner and immediate drastic changes, he will be finding a new job as soon as he can. You have given us some very helpful advice for the meantime though, thank you very much.

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