Help me defend this Fantastic Game with Haters...Love this game so help me to shrug them off.. What correct sentence to defend this magnificent game...

  1. Your personal experience with the game doesnt negate the experience of other people. For alot of people the game was completely unplayable at launch, even people who had high spec gaming pc's were struggling to run it.

  2. Death threats should never be condoned, but they only came from a very small fraction of the fanbase, not at all reflective of the entire community. Also no, death threats from neckbeard retards living in their moms basement with doritos crumbs coming out of their slabs didn't force them to release the game in such a dog shit state, it was the moronic management and executives who pressured the dev team to release it in 2020 and didn't understand the actual scope of the game and didn't manage anything properly.

  3. Not an argument.

  4. While yes alot of the claims of the supposed cut content and missing features are very sketchy and don't hold up to scrutiny, what they did objectively lie about is the state of the game and also didnt allow any gameplay footage until the embargo was released which is absolutely deceptive and fucking scummy. They knew what they were doing. They also were quite misleading on lifepaths and the existence of branching storylines. (AFAIK, the main storyline and the large sidequests don't branch out at all).

  5. Okay this is complete fucking bullshit. CDPR marketed this game for last generation consoles for years and claimed that it ran "surprisingly well" (we all know that statement aged like milk), the consumer is fully within their right to expect a functioning product at launch no matter what system they are on, last gen or next Gen.

I'm starting to think that this was written by some troll from r/cyberpunkgame.

/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk Thread