Help me figure out how to heal from my broken desperate!

In my experience, it took me 3 therapists before I found the right therapist for me, with the first 2 it didn’t feel like I was getting the help I needed so if you feel like your therapist isn’t being helpful I would look around and try to find someone else. In terms of feeling the heartbreak all over again, I would say self compassion goes a long way. This is what it looks like for me, During moments where I’m triggered or feeling intense emotions, I put put my hand on my heart and say something along the lines of, hey, I know this is really hard and you didn’t deserve this this. I get that your feeling really sad, angry, hurt and I’m so sorry that we’re going through this. I’m here for you and I’m trying really hard to take care of us by going for a walk this morning or cooking dinner or by going to therapy. Is there anything else I can do to support you right now. Sometimes I have to repeat this exercise a few times but essentially I believe it’s important to validate how you are feeling and what’s coming up for you and finding a way to both connect with and process whatever thoughts and feelings are coming up for you.

/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread