hey guys. recently I notice that my plant has really long roots growing from the vines. also, the leaves is getting smaller to the one in the pot. is that normal or something wrong with my plant? Worth to mention that I water it very often

Even though you are watering it often, it appears that the plant is probably too small for the pot; it’s likely very rootbound. When a healthy pothos or similar vines go rootbound the only nutrients and support it can get goes to those first leaves nearest the soil, and while it can keep growing, the ends of the branches suffer and stunt. To compensate they start putting out roots to start seeking new soil to establish in. They also may root like this when there is high humidity that continuously stimulates the root nodes along the vine.

To remedy this, upgrade the pot to something larger with fresh soil. You can either trim and propagate rooting branches, leave them as they are, or carefully trim the unwanted roots gradually starting about 2-3 weeks after the repotting. More aerial roots may return, but keeping lower humidity and ensuring that it’s not rootbound beyond what it really enjoys should make them form less often.

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