Hey Ladies! I need help to understand a woman that makes me go crazy over her, maybe some of you could explain her behavior

Yes you are totally right and I fucked up (I’m 23 and have not much experience with relationships), I got used to her but my main point is why she still wants to work with me? I mean we have the luxury to decide who to work with, I told her I don’t want that, because I have feelings and it would be really dumb to work together when she does not even want to make things clear. It ain’t gonna be better and we will have to go our ways sooner or later. What’s the point of forcing yourself to work with someone if you don’t really like that person anymore? I’m a pussy for not going my way and allowing her to come back to my shop. But that’s not the topic It would interest me why is she so convinced that we still can work together but not wanting to talk about what happened

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