Hey /r/bipolarreddit, I’m confused. Could really use your input

Educating yourself is always good. Don't worry if you mis-diagnose yourself. Remember, you know better than anyone else in the world how you feel and we're still in the very very early stages of really understanding mental conditions.

Yeah. I wonder if I ever will end up with a definitive diagnosis. First it was social phobia. That wasn't true, just OCD symtoms manifesting themselves in social situations. Then it was OCD, which is partially true, but doesn't tell the whole story because I have periods without obsessive/compulsive behaviour. It's strongly tied to my mood. And lastly it was bipolar, which, you know, would make sense considering my reaction to antidepressants (apparently a soft sign of bipolar) and the fact that I have mood disorders running in my family (grandmother with BP1, father undiagnosed but still have had problems with depressive episodes in the past).

It's a bit scary, that's all. After I realized how little we truly know about mental conditions and that I couldn't take my doctors opinion at face value it changed everything. Alot more was left up to myself if you know what i mean. guess the only thing one can do is educate oneself and take in as much information from your environment and what have you as possible. Make an educated guess on what treatment may be the most benificial in the long term.

If you are confirmed as bipolar, then rejoice! We have so much to give. We're creative, passionate, wonderful people. Yes, there's the odd swing downwards, but so what? They pass.

Now that is a nice way of looking at it. You seem like an amazing person and I feel the same goes for alot of people who posts here. Very helpful.

No probs. Diagnosed in 1987. Fired from every single job I ever had - hehe. Still here, still fighting :)

Haha, I'll get back to you in 2035 and tell you if I ever managed to hold down a job... keep fighting friend and thank you so much for helping me out

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