Hey Rustaceans! Got an easy question? Ask here (10/2020)!

Trying to translate some Rust code to C++, so this might be the wrong place, but I thought it'd be more likely that rust people know C++ than the other way around.

Rust original:

const fn prime_gen(limit: usize) -> [u8; COUNT] {
    let mut numbers = [0u8; COUNT];
    numbers[0] = 1;
    let mut i = 3;
    while i * i < limit {
        let res = {
            let index = i / 2;
            let actual_index = index / 8;
            let inner_index = get_inner_index(index);
            (numbers[actual_index] & inner_index) == inner_index
        if !res {
            let mut j = i * i;
            while j < limit {
                let half_j = j / 2;
                let actual_index = half_j / 8;
                let inner_index = get_inner_index(half_j);
                numbers[actual_index] |= inner_index;
                j += i << 1;
        i += 2;

const fn get_inner_index(index: usize) -> u8 {
    match index & 7 {
        0 => 0b_0000_0001,
        1 => 0b_0000_0010,
        2 => 0b_0000_0100,
        3 => 0b_0000_1000,
        4 => 0b_0001_0000,
        5 => 0b_0010_0000,
        6 => 0b_0100_0000,
        7 => 0b_1000_0000,
        _ => panic!(),

Rust output:

91 34 4B 9B 65 ED 92 7E CD B3

C++ version:

constexpr char get_inner_index (char index) {
    switch (index % 8) {
        case 0: return 0b00000001;
        case 2: return 0b00000011;
        case 3: return 0b00000111;
        case 4: return 0b00001111;
        case 5: return 0b00011111;
        case 6: return 0b00111111;
        case 7: return 0b01111111;
        default: return 0;
constexpr std::array<unsigned char, COUNT> prime_gen (const ulong limit) {
    auto numbers = []{
        std::array<unsigned char, COUNT> a{};
        for (auto& e : a) {
            e = 0;
        return a;
    numbers[0] = 1;
    auto i = 3u;
    while (i * i < limit) {
        auto res = [&]{
            auto index = i / 2;
            auto actual_index = index / 8;
            auto inner_index = get_inner_index(index);
            return (numbers[actual_index] & inner_index) == inner_index;
        if (!res) {
            auto j = i * i;
            while (j < limit) {
                auto half_j = j / 2;
                auto actual_index = half_j / 8;
                auto inner_index = get_inner_index(half_j);
                numbers[actual_index] |= inner_index;
                j += i / 2;
        i += 2;
    return numbers;

C++ output:

1 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

They somehow don't give me the same output (only comparing the 10 first bytes). The rust version needs to be on nightly and have a few feature flags for const fn, but that should be irrelevant since it works the same way as if it weren't const

/r/rust Thread