Hi I'm an atheist :)

The central claim of atheism is that this universe is compatible with an uncaused universe without external ordering.

No, and again: The central claim of atheism is "I don't have a belief in (a) god(s)"

But try going to an American Atheist meeting and state that you lack belief in God and also you're a pro-life Republican

That doesn't make any sense: what does this have to do with the truth of the claim that "I don't have a belief in god"?

God exists because the American Atheists don't believe in Republican Atheists?

I assume you are drunk.

Or at least as drunk as me.

No, maybe more.

Because this doesn't make any sense.

Is it a popularity contest? Then you'd be a muslim, wouldn't you? or some kind of Chinese religion. There's a lot of them. More of them that even the Dutch.

Atheists have no beliefs, but they near-unanimously claim that the Bible was corrupted, written late, Jesus never existed and was based on Horus and Mithras, Emperor Constantine invented the doctrine of the Trinity at Nicea... lots of things.

The bible is corrupted> which version do you follow? It was writen late> well after the death of your christ.

Show me proof that the jesus of the bible existed.

"Lots of things": that's why we are atheists.

This states that scientific knowledge is the only real kind of knowledge, because material processes are the only kinds of processes.

No, this states that everything that we've learned-so far-can be explained by natural processes. There exists (0) things that we've moved from the natural processes column over to the "god" column. Shall I list the things that have moved the other direction?

But this is not compatible with the earlier claim, that this universe could possibly be a universe without external ordering. If the universe is without external ordering, then it amounts to mere happenstance that the natural world follows any patterns at all.

What? of course the universe exists without external ordering. What's your proof that there is external ordering? That the universe exists is proof that it is logically possible for the universe to exist, isn't it?

What does a godless universe get you?

Arguing against the outcome or possible results of the truth is not an argument.

But I know who Genghis Khan was.

Indeed, and he was religious. So we assume that his god made sure that we know his name.

Maybe you should consider being a tengrist?

/r/Christianity Thread