Hi I'm new to GG and trying to figure out what my twitter feed is so active over. Game Gahzi banned me, KiA sent me here

Honestly I have seen complain abut the lack of challenge and interactivity and defining them "not games" on that grounds.

Do I need to provide you links to comments doing more than just that?

I'm not even sure Depression quest qualifies as progressive. what is progressive about DQ?

Tackling the issue of depression and how people live with them.

No this I COMPLETELY missed

It pops up in comment chains on 8chan and KiA.

Then again I have seen GamerGate pretty upset about India banning DragonAge Inquisition due to homosexual themes so I really don't think that progressive themes was the issue there.

Like I said, some people, not all. Some people are ok with stuff in gamergate.

Actually .. aside from strictly gamergate related articles I have never seen a mention of Breitbart made by gamergate.

By promoting Milo you are promoting his views, and his views are shared with his outlet. And even ignoring Brietbart, Milo has pushed very conservative views on GG that some have accepted.

and that's understandable. But even through your point of view I wonder how much of what you perceive is something you consider "core GG values" and how much is crazy marginal fringe on a Geordie Tait level.

That is my whole problem with GG, I don't perceive it as having any core values. I have watched this from the start, and I no longer believe anyone who tells me what "GG really is" since I have found so many variations. The guy saying its about ethics means no more than the guy saying it's ab that one crazy guy saying it's about fighting SJWs, or the guy saying it's about feminism in it's tracks, or the guys who says its about all those things vs the guys who say "no, we really arent about _____". The moderate and the crazy all have equal voice. GG claims to be about alot of things, the only thing I actually believe GG is about at this point is defending GG.

/r/AgainstGamerGate Thread