Hi! Solar plexus chakra help

Hey! I am so glad that I am not alone in this. I thought that I am going crazy, ahaha. So sorry that you've been going through this as well! :( Hope you are taking a good care of yourself and resting well!

My energy shifts started around the end of September. But it came a lot differently. I would not sleep so well. I would spend most of my night tossing and turning. Or I would wake up in the middle of the night, usually around 3am time (and I know that it is considered as a 'witching hour''). But it stopped, thankfully. But it lasted for weeks.

Then my depression began. A lot of my past traumas and childhood issues submerged all at once. A lot of the things that I have once overlooked - they just came out. That's when I got into chakras healing. I thought that opening my heart chakra was difficult, but working with solar plexus is a lot more difficult than I have imagined.

A week and an ago that's when my second energy shift began. I started to be unable to tolerate certain food. Even my energies became very low that I felt only spending most of my day in bed. Bowel went cuckoo. I was woken up around 5am-6am two mornings in a row (this weekend) with flatulence and a trip to the toilet. But starting Monday, I was back to normal again. Very high energies. I felt very renewed and cleansed, and I felt the joy to come back into my life. I can't even describe how much happiness I am feeling right now compared to how miserable I felt over a week ago.

I noticed even my perception in the life has switched. I even started to compliment myself a lot more. I used to look down myself and on my writing- and I even found myself complimenting last night and saying that while it might not be perfect, I am always willing to improve it. I even complimented my appearance with so much pride (which.. happened for the first time in my whole life).

But this morning here I am yet again. Was woken up by the flatulence at 4am and another trip to the restroom. Though ever since then no more. Even right now as I am typing, I am in a super goood mood just like in the last couple of days. But things like this they just weird you out.

I was wondering - if it is just a part of my cleansing/transformative period? Or... is my body telling me something else? It doesn't help that today I read that if this happens - you have a solar plexus chakra blockage. But I can't help but feel like that maybe this is a sign that it is opening and a part of the healing?

P.S. And same here with the creativity. I can spend whole day coming up with the things- or talking about the stories and characters.

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