YSK There are many myths that exist about suicide that are not true

yes I cannot agree more with your statement though there are now people who do attention seek because they think it's "trendy" or "cool".

I use to go to school with a girl who was one of those kinds of people. I was friends with her during my roughest time as a teenager and honestly I wish I wasn't. She was well known throughout the school as a girl who self harmed as she often showed them off and was somehow proud of them, posting images on social media and generally making it her aesthetic. She would cut in front of people so they wouldn't disagree with her and give her attention.

I remember once I told her that I was self harming and struggling with family life and she made fun of me and told me I wasn't suffering enough to feel sad about. She would also threaten that her family members would kill me if I did something that would upset her. Because of her I didn't tell anyone or get any help for way too long as I thought I "didn't suffer enough". During the time we were friends I attempted suicide 5 times.

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