How accurate is birth number in Numerology?

Yes to use the given context unreasonably doesn't work. Better yet the whole covered ground asks you to apply the knowledge of your experience with reason and with whatever else it is that drives you whether it be truth, passion, logic or anything else under the sun or behind it.

It isn't even remotely the approach zodiac signs asks you to take when you believe that you or anyone else as a person would be set in stone just because of the day you were born on. It just happens to be that some people are more emotional, some more logical, some more intuitive. Some people analyze and observe while other are more engaged in activating with their body or mind by pursuing knowledge of things that are scared to them. Some people prefer winter and water, some people sun and shenanigans.

The commonly forgotten thing about zodiac signs is that anyone can embody, or if you prefer operate with, attributes of a certain sign determined by the consensus of the already existing knowledge. Whether anyone likes it or not, there are dualities to be seen in everyone's life. These dualities some find more fascinating than others and as an example I'd wage numbers are more than enough to be divine, since there can be found unconditional love amongst them if you just so wish.

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