High school boys of Reddit, what is the most sexual assault-esque thing a girl got away with at your school (Girls feel free to answer as well)?

Oh Jesus its this kind of question.

So aside from the general groping and other forms of sexual harassment that went around the schools all the time? We were fairly certain that one of the guys who hung out with us at parties all of our senior year, that we considered "part of the group" ended up raping a girl.

At least... As far as we know. It never got reported or anything and she never really said much about it afterwards. I just knew that one day I asked about him when he wasn't coming with us to a party, I was driving. And one of the guys turned to me and said, "He raped so-and-so at the most recent party so we're not associating with him anymore." I was surprised, asked for more details, and basically I was told about how he forced this girl to have sex with him while she was drunk and scared about it.

Funnily enough I remember seeing him and her late into the night. She had this very worried look on her face and I asked her if she was okay. She just shook her head and I was concerned. I wasn't sure what to do because she wasn't saying anything. Him and her were just kind of cuddling together on the same couch as me watching a movie. It never occurred to me that he could have done something to hurt her because I figured he was just as safe of a guy as any. She got picked up pretty soon after, so I just ended up crashing on the floor. Not thinking much of it mostly thinking she was just feeling bad.

The thing is it never occurred to me that she was raped. One, because its just not where your mind goes when someone says something is wrong. And two, because the guy she was sitting next to was one of my best friends. I always saw him as one of the "safe" ones, so it never really went through my mind as I sat next to them on the couch that something was wrong beyond her not feeling good.

Had I known, I don't know what I would have done. I've never been a confrontational person. I think I would have ended up saying something though.

/r/AskReddit Thread