Hillary Clinton Was Politically Incorrect, but She Wasn't Wrong About Trump's Supporters

Clintons statement, as well as yours, is highly insulting. It's easy to label your opposition as evil, but I suggest that you perform the intellectual diligence to understand the other side of the argument, bc I assure you there is more to it than racism and bigotry.

Where is the intellectual diligence behind claiming global warming is a Chinese hoax?

Where is the intellectual diligence in having an economic policy that inordinately benefits the rich and puts our economy into a recession?

Where is the intellectual diligence in having 500+ businesses, each of which represents a conflict of interest while serving as president?

Honestly, I fail to see anything that could be potentially redeemable about the Trump campaign. I guess if I was afraid of brown people and wanted them out of the country Id have a different opinion, because to me that's the only consistent thing he offers. Any of his other policies aren't policies—they're moods. And it seems to me that the bulk of his appeal is in reference to being a macho authoritarian who isn't afraid of being racist.

So yeah, I do think anyone voting for Trump possesses some kind of gap in reasoning or just has values that I do not like. That doesn't mean they can't be great people or be at the top of their profession, it just means that they are disabled in this one little area—like the people who voted for Hitler. I'm sure they weren't dumb, they just weren't smart enough to make the right choice.

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