"Hiring an attorney or using a public defender is peoples' first mistake. You need a lawyer who is not a bar member."

this person is what's called a sovcit - a 'sovereign citizen', someone who feels the law does not apply to them because they did not agree to it.
(it's a lot more complicated than that, but that's the tl; dr - it's a huge pile of ridiculous twisting of semantics and jaw-dropping conspiracy-theory nonsense with no connection to reality.)

among sovcit-in-the-courtroom greatest hits:

"your american flag as a gold trim therefore it is a maritime flag and therefore this court has no authority"
"i am not [person's name], that is a corporation created using a title the government created for me, therefore this court has no authority"
"crime is impossible without an injured party therefore this court has no authority"
"i am not a person, i am a human being therefore this court has no authority"
"i have not created a contract with this court giving this court authority over me therefore this court has no authority"
and everyone's favorite
"i never agreed to be a citizen of the united states therefore this court has no authority"

now, this person is claiming that bar-certified lawyers are incapable of assisting their clients because they do not ascribe to any of the above sovcit horseshit, because the above sovcit horseshit is horseshit that every judge in this country has become extremely familiar with and - and this is the important bit - have no patience for.

(in addition, sovcit is well known to be really dangerous, as many or most of its adherents are well armed and consider law enforcement to be an immediate and absolute adversary.)

/r/amibeingdetained - a sub more or less dedicated to tracking sovcit horseshit - is filled with minor traffic stops that abruptly exploded into prison time due to sovcit horseshit.

sovcit is the fastest way to turn a misdemeanor into a felony conviction.

on last thing, practicing law without bar certification is illegal.


what this guy is saying is that while he "doesn't do appeals" (because they require actual legal expertise), he is offering his completely untrained and outright illegal legal aid to anyone facing criminal charges, so that he can irritate the judge with nonsensical horseshit that will absolutely guarantee the maximum sentence plus additional charges plus also he himself will likely be arrested for practicing law without a license.

/r/insanepeoplefacebook Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com