I hit the gym consistently and yet i’m viewed as ugly

Have you worked on you personality and hobbies ? Self worth and therapy ? It's great your taking care of yourself physically but you gotta know that doesn't mean you should expect girls to like you. Here literally the most effective thing I've seen my guy friends use when approaching women and they are very average looking.

"HI my name is____ I'm sorry to bother I just wanted to say (insert compliment about outfit, accessories, tattoos NOT PHYSICAL APPEARANCE )" if she responds well get her talking about it after got a good conversation going you ask. "May I give you MY number." This ensures two things 1. Your not putting her on the spot will make her feel not pressured. 2.if she text you you know for sure that she's interested in seeing you. If not take the L move to the next cast a wide net.

Next step if she decides to text right off the bat you need to be clear on your intent weather that you pursuing her romantically or just letting her know your not looking for a friend. Because you don't want to be that guy who acts like a friend but just wanted to hook up/be romantic. Most girls if we see you as a friend it very rarely we see you outside of that so be clear in what you want. From that point on it on you not to fck it up. Good luck dude

/r/offmychest Thread