Hold or sell Toronto condo

You don't get it. You've never built one of these companies or products, and I'm on my 2nd, before 30. So how can you compare what you know, to what I know?

My first, and only investor so far is a Princeton econ grad, who played hockey with one of the Fords. You've heard of Henry Ford right?

I'm telling you, you are playing an unbalanced game that is rigged. You think you know it all, and maybe you'll see some financial gains, but in the full spectrum of life, what will the effect be? I ask myself this question.

I am telling you, I know software, and Tesla is so far ahead, it's not even a close race. SpaceX has a fluid dynamics system (similar to autopilot) that isn't even worth competing against. I would know, because I left my company because I realized I will never compete at SpaceX's level in fluid dynamics, sure we're building the system and it will have a lot of value, but SpaceX is way the fuck ahead so it's not a fair race.

It's the same with autopilot. Maybe you can compete with Neuralink, but even they have so much data now that their products are actually starting to make sense.

You don't have more answers than me, I swear it. I will bet money against you to prove it. I have real cash, I will put it in esgrow have my lawyers draw up legal paper work, and we can place a bet. Put your money where your mouth is.

Here's a video from Chamath, I have a lot of respect for him, he works very hard and isn't afraid to pivot, or fire.

If you buy Tesla's stock, and they go delinquent on payments. It's 1000% Google or Apple will make a big bet, possibly Amazon as well. Wouldn't you want to own that stock after they bought Tesla? You get all of Tesla value, plus the value those companies have.

When you look at Tesla 5-10-15 years from now. You won't remember it being down today. You'll only brag about how you made this amazing investment. Well, not you.

Btw. I would not buy the common stock, because it's too heavily manipulated by VC's, hedge funds, who can make the stock bounce like a yoyo. The bond, you're solid. Don't believe me, Chamath's had the best returns in the game, here's his opinion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx6GJADrflk&t=421s

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