
Here's what I have to say about homosexual acts/sex outside of marriage/worrying/refusing to forgive people/lying/cheating/stealing/murder/selfishness/watching porn/gluttony/gossiping/any other sin:

Part of being a Christian is being convicted of our sins. First, I recognized my sinful nature that separates me from God's perfect standard. For me, it was over before it started. Homosexuality isn't a sin I've had to deal with in my life, but I've been a selfish, lying, thieving, lusting, you-name-it since the day I was born. I bet my first word was probably "mine".

Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, lived the perfect life, never sinned, fulfilled all God's laws and prophecies, and then died an agonizing death on the cross as payment for my sins and your sins. Three days later he rose from the dead. Forty days after that he ascended into heaven. Having accepted Jesus as my savior and atonement for my sins, my debt is paid. God no longer has any wrath for me. The Holy Spirit is now within me. I now strive to live a life that honors God and to bring others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Heaven is real, and hell is real.

I still sin from time to time. Jesus immediately made my spirit (the eternal "me") worthy in the eyes of God, but my soul (mind, emotion, will) are still a work in progress. My job is to recognize the sin in my life, reject that sin, and strive to eliminate it from my life. Prayer and reading scripture draws us closer to God and helps us understand and leverage the power of the Holy Spirit against sin in our lives.

/r/TrueChristian Thread