Honest question: Trolls, do you watch porn? How do you feel about it?

I used to watch it. Me and my boyfriend used to watch it together a lot. But like you, after learning more about feminism/becoming more of a feminist, finding out how the porn industry exploits and abuses women, and seeing some videos that producers had put online of men and women being verbally and physically abused on set, I just can't stomach it. I never really enjoyed it to an extreme extent anyway. More than anything I watched it to laugh at it. My boyfriend and I would search for the strange, more comedic things to watch and if we were to ever watch anything more serious, it always seemed to be things more on the romantic/sensual side. I just started to realize that my entertainment shouldn't come at the cost of another person, man or woman's, well being.

Nowadays I find it pretty repulsive. Neither me or my boyfriend watch porn (call me naive, I truly believe him. He is pretty feminist himself). If we really want visuals, we'll send each other nudes. I feel like our in-bed relationship is more personal now and I enjoy it so much more.

/r/AskTrollX Thread Link - reactiongifs.com