Hot Topic: Destiny's Year 1 Exotics

Yeah I’m going to make one of these down vote posts..

Most of the things in this thread I have posted elsewhere around these parts.

But what I will say is I find highly amusing - maybe even frustrating - that Bungie now has TWO faces for community managers now. They parade Deej Cozmo, Luke Smith, Weisnewski and Noseworthy out on social media to "communicate better" and somehow - SOMEHOW! - they can't ever get it right.

Look, after a year of playing three characters 800 hours to the Vault of Glass, Crota’s End, the Light House and watching Skolas fall apart into pixel dust - to call Destiny mysterious would be too kind. Most of the systems in the game are outright confusing and even impenetrable. After all this - NOW - today, after all the stuff I have seen these folks talk about over two weeks, watching previews and seeing programmers explain and tease I actually think the elements I’ve seen and heard about for The Taken King makes Destiny - or at least the company who makes it - look even more baffling and impenetrable.

“Necro and Hard Light are buffed!”


“Also yeah, they’re not going to be half the Attack rating of green weapons you’ll find by accident in the very first mission of TTK.”

“Who wants to keep using the same gun for 10 years?!?!”

Then a week later…

“Also, don’t shard any of your legendaries just yet…”

There's just a never ending series of conflicting communication. The entire situation with the Necro from start to finish makes me wonder how many of these systems and their designers are intergrating their work together at all.

It makes me wonder. The fact is this. Bungie is a company that makes it fun to blow up purple and blue aliens with hand guns. Destiny was obviously a monumental effort to make a social experience out of that foundation of shooting blue aliens with hand guns. I don't think they had any idea what they were doing a year ago and the fact is - for better or worse - I'm not quiet sure they have any idea what they are doing for the Taken King either.

I'm going to buy TTK because I have a good time with friends I met in the Cosmodrome killing blue aliens while huddled around a doorway so we could continue killing aliens huddled around doorways but from here on out, I’m absolutely convinced, the smart people at Bungie are not the people I want to ever hear talk about their game or how I should play it. LOL.

Just let me have that exotic Stranger’s Rifle and I’ll shut the F*** up.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread