‘House of Cards’ Renewed for Season 4 by Netflix

House of Cards is a show about power and ambition with the rise to power.

This is represented as a deck of cards, which has fifty-two cards, which means Season 4 may possibly be the last season. The title refers to an actual house of cards, which builds higher and highers until it reaches the top and crumbles down.

This is showed as Francis climbs from the dirt in South Carolina, to Majority whip, to VP, to President. The fifty-two chapters also refer to the book that Yates is writing is about Frank's life, and it will be called "House of Cards: The Rise and Fall of Francis Underwood" with fifty-two chapters in it. Now here comes the interesting part. There are thirteen episodes in each season, just like there are thirteen cards in each suit of a deck of cards.

These suits refer to each of the seasons having a central theme around them. Season 1 is clubs, Season 2 is diamonds, Season 3 is hearts, and Season 4 is spades. These are all in ascending order from clubs being the lowest and spades the highest. These suits relate to each of the seasons and what they are based on. Season 1: Luck. Francis' education bill would never pass if it weren't for the surprise events that happened, such as the drive-by shooting of the eight-year old boy. This sparks the education bill passing and him eventually being VP. Season 2: Money. This season involves a lot of money with Raymond Tusk and Xander Feng having influence with money due to their billionaire status. Season 3: Love. This season deals with the marriage of Claire and Francis breaking apart and the Stamper/Rachel relationship. Season 4: Power. Spades are the highest suit, and the word comes from the Italian word "spada" which means "sword." This is all speculation, but it will be based on power.

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