House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes will temporarily step away from Russia probe. Now that we don't have him obstructing justice, perhaps we can get to the bottom of Trump/Russia.

"You can't logic someone out of a position they didn't logic themselves into."

I can't tell you how many republicans (and Democrats too to be fair) in my life will literally complain about topics their preferred party is in conflict about. Perfect exanple, my dad was a marine, but at heart he's liberal as hell. He's always shitting on walmart business practices, confused why we don't have universal healthcare, pissed that education costs are rediculous, hates all the government surveillance of innocent citizens, hates no bid contracts etc etc, yet consistently votes republican, because... That's what he's always done and that's what his friends do. He says "well democrats do it too" as if that's an excuse. I'll say things like, well they do it less often and to a lesser degree, so why go greatest of evil when you hate everything they do? Why not at least vote libertarian? Doesn't matter. He's a republican, it's simply how he votes, end of story.

I'm so glad I'm not part of a political party. The team aspect of it is cancer.

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