Small dog, fast bike

True story - the bike was later stolen from right outside my house in London. A gang armed with a petrol powered Stihl saw cut off my 16mm Almax chain and rode off on it - already had disabled the immobiliser and had it running. I woke up and confronted them but they just ran at me with the saw... Absolute cretins. Bike was never recovered. Worst part was insurance didn't cover theft so it was a total loss... Live and learn.

Photo my neighbour took.

Police took over 20 minutes to arrive, by which time they were long gone.

On a related note, I actually spotted some bike thieves in London today, 4 young guys in all black, on black scooters with balaclavas on a sunny day.. I noticed straight away and gave a short chase, then they jumped a red light. They knew I was onto them. Nothing you can do really, a law unto themselves. London is fucking awful for bike crime. Already had 2 bikes stolen (1 recovered) as well as another attempted theft where I caught them in the act and chased them off...

/r/motorcycles Thread Link -