How do I (22F) not come off like a spoiled brat to my friends?

I was the roommate that had no money. The difference was my roommate actually was a spoiled brat, and you are not as far as I can tell from this post.

Interestingly enough, I find myself on the flip side of this coin now. I'm not rich (or anywhere near) 10+ years after living with my spoiled brat roommate, but I am comfortable enough to not have the daily financial worries that I lived with for years and that so many of my closest friends still live with today.

Having seen both sides of the same coin, my best advice:

Continue to be grateful for what you have. Continue to have the desire to be humble about it among those who have less. Don't talk about money, even it it is to talk about being grateful for having it.

Face jealousy head on: if I were you, I'd approach you roommate about her joking comments. Be honest and let her know that it concerns you that she might feel some animosity toward you. Tell her that you commend the fact that she is able to stand on her own without the same support system that you have.

Don't feel guilty. It is one thing to act like you are privileged, it is another for people to unfairly judge you because of assumed (whether the assumption is right or wrong) privilege when you have done nothing to warrant that type of treatment.

Be gracious when others compliment your (car, purse, ring, whatever). I awkwardly always tried to shove this off as oh, thanks... uhh... it was a gift.. uhh.. and that just makes it worse. Just say thank you, and mean it.

Look. Sometimes it's awkward. Sometimes people will judge, or mis-judge you anyway, but your heart is in the right place... and that is what matters.

/r/relationships Thread