How Americans view the Black Lives Matter movement - "All told, 43% support the movement, including 18% who strongly support it. About one-in-five Americans (22%) oppose the movement, and a sizable share (30%) did not offer an opinion."

I am all in favor of reforming the criminal justice system. But police aren't the root cause of the issue. Police are a bandaid that's been put on a gangrenous, infected, oozing laceration across society from our mishandling of policies dealing with race, poverty, mental illness, gun proliferation and many other issues. The bandaid has been there so long it may be starting to cause infections on its own.

That doesn't mean its the bandaid's fault. Its doing what it was put there to do, enforce the law. But that's not enough and society is getting angry at this bandaid, when the policies and politicians should be the target of anger. The police are doing several jobs they shouldn't have to do with their current training. There are bad ones yes, who regardless would be issues, that happens with literally every profession. The issue is that the people being judged are the people making extremely high stress and split second decisions, rather than the people who put the police in those situations by virtue of laws, and have basically an unlimited amount of time to think through their policies.

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