How are current world conditions affecting the PIMI JW?

My mother in-law is very much a dooms day JW. Sky is always falling. She tells people we have 6 months remaining and stores food, preps go-bags. She would do anything the governing body says. She pondered moving to another state, but decided to stay in her current apartment and experience armageddon there. When she found out I was contributing towards retirement she said what’s the point when the end is so close. Seems Letts 2020 last of the last of the last days before the last day talk made it even worse.

My uncle who’s an elder is kinda the opposite. He doesn’t talk much about the end. One time he even made a “life is short” comment to me regarding a conversation we had about car maintenance. I found it interesting coming from an elder.

Meanwhile a PIMI pioneer I know that’s autistic is writing letters frantically and calling strangers even 8pm at night, recruiting everyone before the end. The “friends” enable her. She’s wasting her life away doing free labor and will never realize she’s brainwashed.

/r/exjw Thread Parent