HOW ARE YOU? My understanding thus far

Your SC is creating through your thoughts(feelings according to EdwardArtSupplyHands) and your reactions/actions as well. The way you react to the news and everything is apart of your SC. By changing your feelings you can create a new way of seeing yourself.

Ex. You get yelled at by your boss about something. Despite his current personality he is mad at you for some past action.

How does the world see you? How does everyone treat you? From drivers to cashiers? They are only confirming what you are.

Going back to your boss, imagine everyone in your world is praising you as if you were a piece of art, admiring every detail of YOU. If you NORMALLY see yourself in high standards the world will regard you in high standards same with your boss. Does he regard you well? Praise you every five seconds, says everyone needs to be like you?

u/allismind says to change your NORMAL, and that includes your SC. SELFIMAGE IS SC. Don't think for a moment any reaction you have to someone else isnt going to be expressed because it will be because it ALWAYS is!

In order to build this, imagine yourself being praised or well liked, even complimented to feel GOOD at first because once you ENJOY it you'll believe it and become more like it, then it will be NORMAL/NATURAL.

/r/NevilleGoddard Thread Parent