How to avoid false rape accusations

These would be the personal attacks.

Then once again, you don't know what a personal attack is, and if that's your definition, you've thrown plenty at me. And pointing out your sexism is pointing out your personal attack.

Feminism and womens'/equal rights need all the allies they can get.

Not all of them, clearly.

Here is the thing, you have agreed with both of my main points.

And disagreed with your third.

Literally those statements put you in full alignment with my opinions. After that we are bickering over whether emphasizing rape as a women's issue vs a societal issue helps women more than it hurts men. And that is a fine side conversation to have. But the main points we agreed on.

Well actually it's what you're considering equal to rape and what you care more about while complaining that others don't care enough about.

I will be the first to admit after re reading that I should not have said

Anything, really, because you were attacking a straw position from the get-go. I expanded on what someone said about rape and you took it as an attack on men.

The rest of your attacks on me and trying to make me into a straw man who's opinions I don't hold are there for anyone else to see who wants to.

Same goes for your attacks on me and my own positions, actually. Like you telling me to be calm...through text.

I'm sorry you don't feel feminism needs random small allies. It does. And the fact that two anonymous people who agree could have a conversation like this is indicative of how easy it is to fight rather that cooperate.

Or rather how little the opinions of either of us actually matter compared to our actions; I'm quite satisfied with mine and what I continue to do. I don't particuarly care if one anonymous person, who has already used tone policing as a serious arguing point, decides not to like me or feminism because he got called out. Like, ok, bye?

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