How can I delete save data without a game pad?

That's not what I commented on though, and that's not what I said so stop making it about two different things. It is about one thing. Nintendo shouldn't consider the people that want to buy and resell their product, that is stupid and a bad business decision. You're on a high horse because you acted off of one sentence I said and suddenly you're able to understand my entire rationale behind what I wrote and say people like me are the reason for DRM. I don't care about DRM and trying to correlate that to what I said is just incorrect. Nintendo, the company that makes these games, does not give a rat's ass if you are going to resell their product, in fact they would make it harder if anything because that would cut into their sales. It's not a smart business move to make it easier to sell second-hand. Arguing that it would be more convienient is fine, but no, Nintendo shouldn't need to make themselves easier to sell or base a console around the possibility that someone might want to eventually sell. The main point at hand was never what I was talking about but ok keep bringing it up. I commented on a comment, not the post. Learn how to reddit dude.

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