How can the entire mass of a star fit into an infinitely small "singularity?"

I do find that balance, I can’t argue that, but what I think even causes someone to consider that based on what I’m saying is the same thing I just described in my last comment to another person here, the excessive and irrational demand for ‘evidence.’

Let me just pose this scenario to you because I found this way of thinking in the last few days, and it is very impactful. I mean it’s life-changing:

Pretend you’ve never heard any words spoken to you in your life. No one’s ever said anything to you as a fact, especially not about how the universe works. The only thing that has informed your perception of the universe – is your direct, silent experience with it.

While I was in this scenario I realized that the universe never told me I was correct about anything. It’s ‘letting me think what I want’, but it is what it is regardless. And in the times where I realized I’d been seeing something incorrectly and learned the right way to see it, I ran like a quick simulation in my head, imagining that I ‘never veered off course from reality’ and that I instead had always looked at ‘d’ the right way. This seems pretty effective at ‘catching me up’ very quickly.

Every perception that I have confirmed in my head has been at best only confirmed by “other me’s.” This environment never told me it was right. I could have the entire foundation wrong.

Anyway, let’s just return to this scenario, you’ve never heard any words and your perception is rooted only in experience, you’re looking at a star and then you look over and see – a ‘black hole.’

What is your perception of this thing? How is it informing your understanding of this environment? Whatever you want to say after this cannot change the feeling you had, that sense of ‘what this is’ seems to have a stunningly good track record.

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