Does this subreddit want anything out of the world?

“Goes to a mixed race subreddit advocating segregation”

I assume our euthanasia will atleast be fast?

Well, a few points on this one.

First, I made this comment a few minutes ago. To those who don't want to follow the link, a half korean half white girl asked if we'd deport her and I said that not many in the alt right would, currently sitting at +12. The alt right's goal is to split obviously distinct populations, though we generally allow people who are mixed to be part of whichever community they want.

Second, to be fair, you guys don't seem to want to exist very much. I mean, most of you seem to be the product of a white man and an Asian woman, yet you hate the union of white men and Asian women. I'm not in favor of racemixing either, but it's different for me because I'm not the product of it. It's a kind of weird thing to see a community that literally would not exist without mixing be anti-mixing.

“Hatred as described by liberals isn’t how I would describe my feelings for nonwhites, but I definitely don’t like them”.


/r/hapas Thread Parent