How David Cameron plans to destroy Britain's social housing in 7 easy steps

I work in social housing, directly for a council. I've been there for a few years now, and I've seen first hand the tories gradually destroy any semblance of social housing that has been built over the years. Our homes that we maintain will gradually fall into a state of disrepair, the 1% rent reduction the tories gave as an election pledge has already hit us hard, we are losing £10million over the next 5 years, this is mostly being shaved from decent homes budgets. This means that bathroom, kitchen, external works, heating and electrical systems will not be upgraded and will require more maintenance to 'nurse' them along. Our targets for decency are being moved a few years ahead, so the general state of our housing stock is going to massively decline.

The rent threshold of £30k before you pay market rate is too low in my opinion, and should be higher. The other annoying thing is selling our high value properties when they become 'void'. This means a property that is large will probably be snapped up by housing developers and turned into a multi-occupancy house, no doubt rented back to either the council or a housing association. It is expected that our housing stock will half within the next 5 years.

The March of the capitalist tories is on, and the war on the working class will stomp on regardless of what people think. The problem is middle Britain will vote them in again at the next election as it doesn't affect them as they don't live in council properties.

I don't see it getting better, I see it getting much worse. The tories don't want councils to do anything other than collect your rubbish, they certainly don't want social housing as it doesn't line their pockets or that or their mates.

I genuinely enjoy my job, and I honestly enjoy helping people, but with the cuts we are currently going through, the restructuring and the 'work smarter and harder' attitude we are constantly told, I can't see my career being there for much longer.

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