How do I deal with grandma showing signs of Dementia

This isn't exactly similar to your situation, but I just wanted to sort of get this off my chest. I mean, first of all, I would obviously recommend taking her to a doctor if you can and seeing if you can get any medicine. But more than that, I think there's some emotional support involved too. My grandma suffered from a stroke a few months ago. To be honest, she was the happiest woman I knew in the world. She experienced a lot of hardships earlier in her life, but she never really let that get to her. She was always optimistic, and whenever people would meet her, that was the exact thing they liked the most, just how positive she was about live. Well, things changed after the stroke. Her personality fundamentally changed, and she became a totally different person. Much more pessimistic. Always worrying about things and always seeing stuff in a more negative light. It's gotten to the point where those few months of her post-stroke personality have overshadowed her pre-stroke personality, so much that I can barely remember what she was like before it happened. I'll tell her how lucky she is to be good in terms of physical health after the stroke and how most people don't recover as well as her, but she'll listen and ignore it all pretty much. It hurts me on an inner level. I feel like my hands are tied by the strongest rope when I try to help her, and that nothing I do is actually helping. A little coincidentally though, her extended family and friends came to visit one day and she looked much happier. So in terms of things you can do, one of my recommendations would be to have her socially interact with as many people as possible. Give her something to take away her mind from her health and channel that energy into enjoying life. And on the side, keep going with the medical treatment. Things might get tough, but keep an even head, and try not to lose your own temper if things are not going well with her, as it'll only cloud your own judgement. I hope and pray your grandma gets better.

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